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Yes, Your Face Is Supposed To Burn That Hot When You’re Humiliated By Ms. Piper

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:05 pm
by PiperEnchantrix
I love a red face. That’s how I know I’ve hit paydirt. Did you know I can literally hear your face turning red, even if I can’t see it?

Oh, there are many tells that I’ve enflamed that pretty little face of yours. You might stutter, or you might not say anything at all. You might sheepishly admit to something that I know is embarrassing.

A nice lady would back off when she discovered your weakness. Unfortunately for you, I’m not a nice lady. I’m a hungry predator looking to dine on your confused and conflicted feelings. I literally slurp up that tense feeling you have from knowing you’re investing more than you should.

You won’t come out of this arrangement with your dignity intact. I’ll make sure of it.

Yes, Your Face Is Supposed To Burn That Hot When You’re Humiliated